Saturday, December 02, 2017

What's in your bag?

Out-of-date Sainsburys vouchers, old till receipts and sweetie wrappers. It was hard to find anything in my handbag rummaging through all that. Tidy-up Time!

Having cleared all aforesaid rubbish I found in my handbag:
a notebook - obviously all writers should carry one;
a generous supply of pens and pencils (in case the pens don't work);
several packets of paracetamol - better to be prepared;
four mini packs of tissues - my nose runs;
a huge piece of white chalk - to draw around a body should I chance upon one;
a wee sample bottle (as in sample bottle for wee, unused, not small sample bottle) - because you never know;
a perfect skimming stone in case the opportunity arises to show off my prowess - but I must use it wisely - I only have one.

No purse (unusual), no mobile phone (not at all unusual). 

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