Sunday, December 24, 2017

Signs to look out for

On the radio in the car yesterday I heard that an NHS expert has brought out a list of things to look out for in elderly relatives over Christmas. Things like forgetting to turn the oven on, losing presents, not knowing where they are or why.

Which sounds like 'what I like to call Christmas.'

I hope my children didn't hear the news item. I could be in a home for the Christmas-challenged before this year is out. 

P.S. I'm not making light of dementia; the list just sounded to me to much like my life.


nick said...

I know what you mean. I sometimes think there's a hair's breath between my usual absent-minded and forgetful self and galloping dementia. Now what did I come into this room for?

Ole Phat Stu said...

you came into this room (the library) in order to remind yourself never to end a sentence with a preposition ;-)

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

I'm not even slightly demented and I'll prove it when I can find my specs.

nick said...

Careful, Ole Phat Stu, or you might get duffed up.