Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Spring flowers

The bluebells in the woods are just beginning to show signs of flowering. The cultivated ones in our garden have been in bloom for about a week now but it will be another week before the wild ones are in full showing-off mode.

I tried awfully hard with that photo. I tried the ordinary setting and the macro and this fuzzy one was the best of the bunch. How is everything else except the bluebell in focus?


Furtheron said...

Possibly too close to the bluebell, might be better with using a telephoto and being back a bit... also do you have a "push half way to focus" option on your camera? That I find is the secret, make sure the object is right in the middle of the box for focusing, press and hold half way then whilst holding frame the shot as you want then push the button all the way.

I can't talk - I'm a rubbish photographer normally, my son is the genius in this department.

CherryPie said...

Oh I must get out to see the bluebells I always think they look so beautiful :-)

jmb said...

I took a photo of a huge lizard while in Australia. Totally out of focus but the grass in front of him is perfectly sharp. No second chances for he was gone in a flash.

Rose said...

Liz, the second picture--what is the flower, by the way?--is perfect, and I think the bluebell has a nice artistic look to it. I've taken so many bad pictures of flowers, although once I discovered what "macro" meant, it helped. Taking photos for a blog only leads to camera envy, I've found. Now I want super macro!

Just got back from Arizona and trying to catch up a little. I'm with you on the diet--you'd think someone could invent a chocolate diet:) Anyway, must get back to work--Sophie ate only HALF the hallway carpet, so I need to find a long carpet runner to cover all the holes:)