Sunday, January 04, 2009

Doctor Who

On the left, William Hartnell, the first Doctor; on the right, Matt Smith, the eleventh.
My theory.
The next incarnation will be the Doctor in his mother's womb, thus clearing the way for a female Doctor.
A pregnant female Doctor.
A pregnant female Doctor with morning sickness.
If there's one thing a cyberman hates it's vomit on his wellies.
Picture this.
An alien spaceship intent on invasion has its landing co-ordinates misaligned by the earth's magnetic field and it materialises in an ante-natal clinic. You wouldn't need guns. Not when you have a room full of threatened hormonally-challenged mothers-to-be. Nothing scarier.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thinking about this a TARDIS would be very handy when you have weird cravings late at night... I always craved bacon and being a veggie that was a bit of a bugger ;0)

Anonymous said...

Now we have an answer for all those underage clubbing pregnant girls wondering "Who is the father"

CherryPie said...

This latest one looks like a baby to me. It means I am getting old doesn't it?

Unknown said...

I only remember from Patrick Troughton onwards - but you're right - they are getting younger and younger (rather like policemen) or is it just that I'm getting older and older??

I assume the next series will be entitled "Student Doctor Who?"


XXYXX said...

I think you're hit on something here, Liz. There surely aren't enough action roles for fecund women. We need more:

Pregnant coppers with chaotic love lifes
Pregnant doctors with walking sticks
Pregnant jedi knigts with capes
as well as pregnant timelords.

Well done!

Puss-in-Boots said...

Heehee...I'd love to see that scenario...especially on Dr Who. The Daleks wouldn't be seen for dust...or they'd be blasted to bits by rampant hormones, leaving nuts and bolts lying all over the place, croaking "Exterminated".

Anonymous said...

Of coarse (sic!) the Daleks are pro-abortion, I guessed by their warcry "Eggs,terminate!"