Sunday, November 09, 2008

Fighting monks

Israeli police had to restore order at one of Christianity's holiest sites after fighting erupted between Greek Orthodox and Armenian monks at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the traditional site of Christ's crucifixion, in Jerusalem.

If it wasn't so funny it would be tragic.


Katney said...

Tragically, it is not that uncommon--well, maybe not fist-fights, but the rancor that clouds the Holy Sepulchre. It has been over 40 years since I visited there. It was the same them and had been for years, and here is the explanation we were given. There are four main Christian entities which control the holy places of Jerusalem. When these were divide up--so to speak--none would give up the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, so an arrangement of sharing went into place. That leaves a lot of room for something like this to happen. Humans aren't always good at sharing, of course. It also leaves maintenance a problem, since no one can make a decision to fix that pipe or shore up that wall.

The guidebood I had when I visited in 1965 was published in the 40s. It was the latest comprehensive guide to the Holy Land available. I wonder if it has been updated.

Katney said...

Dina has a very good explanation of the circumstances at Jerusalem Hllls Daily Photo. Great pictures, too go along with it, too.

Anonymous said...

Good grief! Is nothing sacred?

Ruthie said...

I saw this headline today too!

It said "Monks brawl at Christian holy site in Jerusalem," and I must admit that I laughed.

Gattina said...

I saw this on TV yesterday and I laughed so much that I cried !!
Isn't that impossible that monks are fighting like little boys in a sandbox ??

Dragonstar said...

The worst behaviour often happens within families, but the best is there as well.

Brian said...

Anyone else remember that dream from a Woody Allen film in which he is being carried through New York on a cross by cowled monks who meet an identical party coming the other way and end up fighting over a parking space? Unfortunately, all the best ideas are ruined by professionals taking over and destroying the spirit of the original.

Liz Hinds said...

It is almost inevitable that at a place of high emotion, there will be trouble, katney. It was just the idea of monks fighthing that tickled me! I'll have a look at Dina's page.

Apparnetly not, jay.

Ruthie, that was my first reaction too!

boys will be boys, gattina, even if they're monks!

That's true, dragonstar, as is that, gallimaufry. Extremes. Don't remember the film but wold probably have enjoyed it.

Furtheron said...

Surprised the Coptics didn't steam in as I thought they had a claim on that as well...

Organised religion - makes me laugh, just like football supporters really totally blinded to any form of acknowledgement of the other point of view despite the preaching of tolerance... yes tolerance to accepting only one view point.

Apologies for my jaundiced view but I have to say it's all to often what I see as an outsider.