Tuesday, April 15, 2008

He's no oil painting himself

I'm walking down our lane. A workman from a neighbouring house looks at me and says, 'You look knackered.'
I snarl.
'It's that ruddy dog, isn't it?'
'Grugh, eegrgh.'

I have added 'recapture George' to my to-do list. I've done it twice today already.

P.S. The first thing I did when I got back in the house was look in the mirror. I don't think I looked that bad.

1 comment:

CherryPie said...

It is a good job he didn't see me a week last Friday then!!!

I felt a bit off and was rushing around and met up with some friends and colleagues, got home and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror! AAHHH!!!!