Monday, January 14, 2008

What a clever baby!

Look at this lovely thank you card we had from Malachi! Not only was his foot used for the artwork on the front, he wrote the inside - and him not 4 months old yet!

He is obviously going to be a most brilliant, as well as handsome, child.


Anonymous said...

Awwww, I did a footprint and handprint of Max when was a few weeks in clay - it many attempts, lol.

Anonymous said...

Max is currently pulling out everygame from my desk drawer saying 'no, night night' you'd think by now I'd have bedtime sussed!

MissKris said...

How precious is that! I just heard from my d-i-l that little Cooper-to-be is about 2 weeks, 2 days bigger than average for his gestational age...he's going to be a BIG boy at birth! Can't imagine what his newborn footprint will look like.

Linda said...

Is that your grandbaby? I do so want to be a grandma - just no hope of that in sight right now. I'll happily peek in on yours now and again though if you don't mind. Thank you for stopping by and delurking the other day.

James Higham said...

You could do a similar thing with George.

Liz Hinds said...

You'll have to accept it, Amanda, Max is just smarter than you!

Another whopper, eh, Kris?

Linda, I wish! No, he's the son of young friends. I am soooo longing to be grandma too.

James, what a good idea. I wouldn't need opaint, just his muddy footprint.