Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Struggling to focus

Our new camera has just arrived! (I apologise for the quality of the photos in the previous post; they were taken with the video camera.)

Husband ordered the camera after deciding that the old one would cost more to repair. It's not just that the flap doesn't; it also struggles to remain focused. A bit like me on most days: not flapping but slightly out of focus.

* * * * * * * * *

My editor phoned. (Do you like the way I drop that in?) He said, 'We've got some great photos of you and your husband. Send us money or we publish them.'

No, he didn't say the last bit. The good thing is that they will only appear on the web so aunties, uncles, friends and, most importantly, work colleagues of Husband won't see them.


alles van waarde said...

Hello Liz,

I like your blog very much. Found it by accident.
My Greatlove and me wonder whether you are the Liz we used to know in Groningen, The Netherlands, a million years ago.
If so (and even if not) I can see or better, hear, that you have become a great writer. That is a very good thing.


Liz Hinds said...

Hi Femke, Thanks for calling in. No, I'm not the Liz you used to know in Groningen (although if it was a million years ago I might have forgotten as my memory isn't the best!) but it's nice to meet you anyway.

jmb said...

Ah but we will see them if you give us the link!