Saturday, January 05, 2008

Santos for President! Or John McClane!

Having watched West Wing I found the Iowa caucus far more interesting than it might otherwise have been. I understand a little of the process and what's going on. Now come on, let's get those voters out there putting their cross by the name of Matt Santos!

* * * * * * * * *

I watched the original Die Hard with some apprehension: would I be able to sit all the way through a feast of Bruce Willis and bloody violence?

I loved it!

Two was forgettable but three was excellent. We approached Die Hard IV with eager anticipation. And we weren't disappointed.

Die Hard has its roots in comic book stories I'm sure. Fantastic violence but you don't worry that anyone's really hurt. It's so unreal and over the top, all they need to do is add ZAP! and KAPOW! for us to know for certain it's just a fantasy, dreamed up by a nerdy boy who always wanted to be the hero.

Best line of the film: 'You just killed a helicopter with a car!' But of course. This is John McClane, after all. Even if he's not wearing a vest.


mdmhvonpa said...

Odd ... the world watches American politics very closely.

I wonder why.

Mauigirl said...

It's always interesting to hear about our politics from afar. I'd bet most Americans hardly know who the prime minister of the UK is, let alone of Canada. Yet American politics make the cut abroad...We're so provincial compared to Europe and the UK.

As an American I still am not that clear on what a "caucus" is but am excited at the outcome - I did not expect Obama to win. It's always exciting when something unexpected happens in politics, don't you think?