Sunday, January 20, 2008

Do you have this problem?

Does your mouth start speaking before your brain has considered the implications?

Take yesterday morning for instance. It was mentioned that there was an urgent need for a volunteer to prepare food for the student lunch after church on Sunday. 'I'll do it,' my mouth said. 'How many students?'
'Usually 12 is the maximum.'
'But this week we have a team of 5 Australian student workers with us as well.'

None of the students are vegetarians and we don't know about the Aussies but, as Nathan said, 'Whoever heard of a veggie Aussie?'

So I'm making (currently simmering away nicely) a huge pan of bolognese sauce, and tomorrow I'll cook spaghetti and garlic bread, and with a green salad and a couple of large trifles, that should do. That will have to do.

At least it has taken my mind off the fact that we're doing a presentation in prison tomorrow. Usually we just go in to support the chaplains but once every 6 weeks, whoever is in, does a presentation i.e. takes the whole service. Twice, in fact, for different cell blocks. (It used to be 3 times as we did the segregated unit separately but it's been decided to unsegregate them for chapel.)

I phoned the chaplain yesterday to give our names for gate security.
'Just the two of you?' he said.
'You know you're doing a presentation, don't you?'
'It'll be fine, don't worry.'

It will be fine. Robin's leading the singing and I'm doing the talky bit. We can do this, with a little bit of help from God. Okay, a big bit of help.


Leslie: said...

I hope it's "antler-man" who's going with you and not the cross-dresser. You might end up causing a riot! ;D

Linda said...

"...if you want something done, ask a busy person..." It works all the time! I know, cause I'm usually busy getting too many things done! Good for you, you made me hungry mentioning the sauce - I may have to fit in some cooking today too!

Mauigirl said...

It does sound tasty! Now I want that for dinner!

Loved the pictures of your "important men." LOL!

Anonymous said...

Hope it went well! Do you have any spare bolognese at all?

Gledwood said...

"With God all things are possible!" as it very inspiringly says in the Bible

because I'm certainly not going to be able to get off thes drugs without Him

know what I mean...

anyway Liz what was I gonna say...

o yeah not to worry!

With God all things are possible!!


Gledwood said...

ps ~::~ likie the new portraytie?

James Higham said...

Rod for your back, Liz.

Liz Hinds said...

It was neither, leslie. Thankfully!

THat saying is true, Linda, although it's not usually me who's so busy!

Yes, mauigirl, it did taste nice. WEnt down well with the students.

Mutley, sorry, we finished it last night.

Gledwood, absolutely. He was definitely there as it went better than we could have hoped.

I know, James, I know.