Thursday, November 08, 2007

I have a rash

No, don't rush away! It's not contagious. It's not even a physical rash. It's a blog rash.

There's a blog I visit occasionally and each time I do, it drives me to distraction. It is almost complete twaddle! I resolve to stop visiting but it's like a rash: I know I shouldn't scratch it because scratching will make it worse, but sometimes I can't help myself.

Perhaps I need a strait-jacket.

On a cheerier note: big Happy Birthday to JMB today!!


Anonymous said...

Do you behave rashly there? Maybe you eat a rasher of bacon? Maybe you just like 'rashing' around...

Ok the last one was a bit strained...and now I think about it I am worried about you..

Puss-in-Boots said...

Can you get some Calomine lotion and spread it over the itchy blog? Or join a group that has a 12-step Ok, well, I give up...there must be something that keeps you going back and if you won't tell, neither will I.

Is it my blog...oops.

Liz Hinds said...

Oh, Mutley, don't be so rash! You don't have to worry about me. I am only slightly loopy.

No, Robyn, it's definitely not yours!

But isn't it strange, how when you start to talk about itching you begin to scratch? Or is that just me?

Anonymous said...

I'm starting to scratch now! When I first started blogging there was an 'itchy' blog that I used to visit, I stopped visiting and stopped scratching! But its easier typed than done ;0)

Furtheron said...

You can do it be strong... hang on it might be my blog!

Liz Hinds said...

No, it's not yours either, Furtheron!

But I'm not going to deny any more in case 'the one' asks me!

Anonymous said...

I'm getting paranoid now is it me? ;0)

Gledwood said...

A blog rash? Or a rash blog???

I heard your talk! O Liz you sound much posher than I imagined...!

I followed your advice and published my nonmanifesto for election to Labour (or possibly Tory) on my blog tonight... please give my chances of success... I'm not doing a nonLondon constituency though - perish the very thought!!

MissKris said...

Oh, this is too funny!! I blogged about exactly the same thing last nite but I chickened out and deleted it before I ever posted it. I never NAMED it, but if the writer of the one that drives me to distraction ever comes to read my blog, she would've known who she was in a flash. Then again, maybe she wouldn't...she's the most self-righteous egotistical know-it-all I've ever come across. If I'M not the one you're referring me the one that drives YOU crazy and I'll email the one that drives ME crazy, hahahaha! I can break away from it here and there, but if truth be told I'm pretty much a daily lurker there because she just drives me NUTS!!!

Anonymous said...

It is definitely mine, 'cause it is making me itch too. Sorry, Liz. I'll try to clean up my act...

jmb said...

You masochist you. Give it a break. Too many good blogs and not enough time. Don't waste your time.

Thanks for the birthday plug.

Lord Nazh said...

Happy Birthday to you too (today right?)

Unknown said...

Hmmmm…that “rash” sounds more like an addiction. I think addictions are harder to get rid of than rashes. Good luck.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Well, I'm wondering which blog it is, too!

DeeJay said...

OMG it is me!!

I think this must be a Blog condition as I also have one in particular that is just like that. Do you think I can persuade myself to remove it from my RSS reader - Nope!

Crushed said...

My post Thursday night wasn't THAT bad...