Tuesday, July 10, 2007

"I'm a wide-mouthed ...'

Younger Son wasn't impressed with my talking wide-mouthed melon. He claimed that a melon wouldn't speak 'in that sort of voice'.
'Have you ever heard a melon speak before?'
My point was proven.

And now I know where the inspiration for Zippy came from.

P.S. That is Husband's hairy arm not mine.


mdmhvonpa said...

Are you sure that is not your hand? Those nails look manicured.


Lee said...

lol Good one, Liz! I'm glad you clarified whose hand it is!

Puss-in-Boots said...

Nice come back. Of course, it's your husband's hand...you would have waxed beforehand.

Anonymous said...

Yep, that's Zippy all right - but Geoffrey was never as hairy has that!

MaryB said...

So . . . what DOES a melon sound like? (I'll try to pick up the accent as I pass the fruit stands today.)

Elsie said...

Playing with your food. Silly, and I love it.

Anonymous said...

First we had a transvestite photo, now you're saying "Here, look at my melons!". This blog is turning pornish ;-)

Furtheron said...

Nice Melon.... :-)

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Well, as talking melons go, i think it's very nice!

Crushed said...

Oh Zippy, zippy.
A happy childhood memory for me.

Though i've often wondered who came up with the bizarre- if not sadistic- concept of a puppet whose mouth could be zipped up.

chux said...

This post really needed an audio clip. Better still a little movie clip uploaded from youtube.

I want to hear that voice!

Liz Hinds said...

Chux, I haven't got a thing to record sound. Our camera will do little movies but without sound. As I discovered when I tried to film a blackbird singing.

Imagine someone trying to talk with her mouth closed, and with lots of ups and downs.

cbi, but can you blame them? Zippy was such a little grumps!

Pornography is in the eye of the beholder, dr stu and Furtheron!

Anonymous said...

I saw a melon spit seed on time.

marymaryquitecontrary said...

Liz; I am speechless. Dressing up,playing with melons. What next can we expect from your house. Hope you enjoy,'Scent of a Woman'.
You see I can make people buy things!

Anonymous said...


Gledwood said...

I just thought up a smart answer for where Zippy's inspiration came from.
Basically because Zippy's a complete **** ...
sorry I'm not normally rude like that!
How are you Liz?? I'm finally sorting my blogroll and adding you now, sorry not to have been in touch I've not "been" anywhere for days ... so tonight is catchup time.
Take care Liz
all the best


ps how doesa melon speak??

Ruthie said...

That is so cute!

You know, if you poke holes in an orange just above the navel, it looks like a squishy little face.

I wonder what kind of voice an orange has?