Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Welcome, newbies!

I see that Blogpower has a lot of new names on its roll. Welcome to you all!

There are lots of intelligent and thought-provoking blogs already on the roll - but this isn't one of them. I would hate for you to mistake me for someone intelligent. (Although Harvey is saying to me, 'Speak for yourself.')

So welcome, and may you be very happy and active members our community.


Fire Byrd said...

Hello yourself!
Caught you on WUASTC.
Like your husband's arm, and soo reassuring to know it wasn't your's!

jmb said...

Hi Liz,
I'd like to ask to join but I'm too intimidated by all those political animals over there. They'd never want to visit me.

Liz Hinds said...

Welcome pixie, what is WUASTC?!

jmb, you must join! Blogpower is very keen to get more diverse bloggers and your posts are intelligent, informative and entertaining. I mean: am I political?!!!!

Email jameshigham@mail.com

Go on!

Puss-in-Boots said...

Liz...I love your blog...it's intelligent, funny and thought provoking. Don't knock yourself, Liz...we love you!

DeeJay said...

I have never really understood what Blogpower brings to the party.
Why should we consider joining Liz?

Liz Hinds said...

Thank you, robyn.

Ageis, Blogpower, like any other blogroll is a community. It links you with other bloggers who try and support and visit each other, and friendships can develop. I visit blogs that i wouldn't know about and woldn't visit were it not for Blogpower. I don't always agree with what these other bloggers say; in fact I usually don't agree! But there are interesting discussions - again, a lot of them are over my head - and some bloggers can be depended on to be informative.

The benefits really are that you will get some people visiting you who wouldn't know about you otherwise, and you make friends all over the world.

Personally I think Blogpower could do with some more left-wing or non-political bloggers!

Anonymous said...

An unintelligent woman does not achieve a BSc and an MA? QED, my shrinking violet friend. You are witty, dry and extremely observant. This is a fantastic blog.

Clare said...

I am also intimidated by Blogrolls...
Thanks for sponsoring me Liz!

Anonymous said...

I shall have to check out some of these new ones. It's great being part of a supportive community like this, especially when you start out.

Mauigirl said...

Hmmm, if they're looking for lefties, maybe I should join Blogpower. I'll have to check it out! I always enjoy reading and discussing other viewpoints than my own!