Thursday, July 12, 2007

Hallelujah chorus

I'm waiting for two emails before I can get on with my work so I'll blog. (As if I need an excuse.)

Husband set off for Hook at about 6.15 this morning; Harvey set off barking at 6.45 this morning. At 7.00 am I gave up and got up.

Later, I went upstairs to shower and as I reached the landing I heard angelic voices singing sweetly. Younger Son had already left for work and Harvey's bark is anything but angelic so I was slightly puzzled. I wondered if my time had come. Would I, any minute, see a dark tunnel with a light at the end? It would come as a surprise but I've always said that's the way I want to go. I just hadn't anticipated it quite so soon, or unexpectedly.

I mean, if it's my time, last night in circuits would have seemed a more obvious place. I thought my blood would burst through my face after the third time on the NZ station (so-called because it's an exercise used by the All Blacks rugby team).

[I just googled to find images of strong men and weak women to illustrate my point: plenty of strong men but not a weak woman image to be found. Not pc?)

Anyway, back to my imminent death. I followed the noise into my bedroom - and discovered it coming from the alarm clock. Husband must have feared I would sleep all day so he kindly reset the alarm before leaving. He and Harvey conspire against me.

To sleep, perchance to dream.

One of the emails has arrived so back to work.


Anonymous said...

I wish I could sleep as sound as my wife. I'm a tosser and turner. She doesn't move and inch. Lots of clocks to get her up. I just need the urge to visit the bathroom.

Anonymous said...

May I point you (all) to this link :-

"What happens after you die?"

Buddhists may skip reading this, just recycle the blog-comment instead ;-)

Elsie said...

Thanks for a good laugh. I'll be smiling all day! And Hershey asks you to remind Harvey that the well-heeled pooch always conspires with the lady against the man.

MaryB said...

Liz, I once had an alarm clock that played cathedral bells as its alarm. It always took me a minute in the morning to figure out whether I'd waked up dead or alive! Glad you're alive!

Liz Hinds said...

Steve, I'm the sound sleeper in our bed too. Storms, trees falling down, fireworks, car alarms - what noise in the night?

Elsie, thank Hershey and tell him I'm passing on his very wise words. Hope you're settling back into life after the hols.

Dr Stu, I will look that link up after lunch.

Liz Hinds said...

Maryb, it would be nice to think there'd be cathedral bells in heaven. I love peeling (pealing?) bells.

Joy Des Jardins said...

I don't use an alarm clock or clock radio now that I don't have to get up early for work anymore. I normally have an 'inner' alarm that won't let me sleep too late. Of course when I stay up half the night on the computer....everything's up for grabs.

mdmhvonpa said...

"6.15 this morning; Harvey set off barking at 6.45 this morning."

Heh ... funny thing about that - our two hounds set to Howling within minutes of my departure. The Mrs can call me and I'll hear them in the background singing away. When I stay home, they are quiet as church-mice.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Hi, Liz. Well, I am glad you won't be leaving us! I've done that - only it's been the toothbrush battery singing away.

Lee said...

Well, at least it must have been a relief to know it wasn't the angelic chorus a-calling you, Liz!

Anonymous said...


Decreased bladder capacity may be an indication of an enlarged prostrate. Get your doctor to check it, record the size as seen via ultra-sound (to check for slow increases over the years), and give you a PSA test. DO IT NOW!
Prostrate cancer is an unpleasant thing . . .