Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Spring has sprung

I have an electric toothbrush. (Electric? Well, you know what I mean.) I use it morning and evening but if I clean my teeth at any other time of the day, I use an ordinary one. I don't want to wear out my teeth by over-brushing, you see.

So yesterday evening, getting ready for Zac's, I went to clean my teeth and ... I couldn't remember which toothbrush was mine. There were three in the cupboard and I stood and stared at them. Oooh.

Usually I reach in, grab and it's fine.

It's the same if I'm getting money out of the hole in the wall. If I walk up to it, carelessly, I can simply enter all my details, no problem; if I try and think of my PIN number as I'm approaching the machine, I might as well accept there and then that I'm not going to be able to get any money out until the next day.

And now I'm off to the big city of Cardiff. I think. Unless I change my mind on the way. I feel I should start looking for an outfit as the wedding's a month away. Oh, looking at the calendar I see that Spring begins today. Goody.

Oh, yes, and on Nourishing Obscurity, James says he thinks he'll start up the Mindless Bloggers Club. Now that's the one for me! I can do mindless par excellence.


Joy Des Jardins said...

Mindless bloggers....that sounds pretty good to me too Liz.

Happy shopping! I know you'll find something wonderful for the wedding....yikes...only a month away. Are you excited?

Happy Spring dear friend...

Anonymous said...

Coincidence? Or great minds think(?) alike? I just blogged about senile dementia this morning.

I'd join Mindless Bloggers too, except I forgot the URL already ;-)

jmb said...

I'm the same with my library card number (8 stupid numbers). Sit at the computer it flows off my fingers, think about it, it's gone.
Luckily the hole in the wall only requires four, taken from the name of a former dog.
Good shopping.