Wednesday, January 04, 2006

It was a mystery but now it is solved

We were woken in the night by a crash. Husband got up to investigate while I went back to sleep. He woke me to say he couldn't find anything. But this morning we found the cause: a tile had fallen off the wall in the toilet. It must have had a premonition that its time was nigh. If they all fell off like that it would be helpful.

I fear I could turn into a bathroom bore very shortly. We made the mistake of using more than one brochure; how is anyone supposed to be choose when there is so much choice?

Betty has gone to the garage to have her brakes sorted. She is very beautiful. I was smiling watching her drive along. Hard to associate beetles with Nazis.

I wrote 'predicament' instead of 'premonition' originally; I thought it wasn't right but couldn't work out why. I looked it up in the dictionary and was certain then that I had the wrong word but, when you don't know a word, it's not possible to look it up. Fortunately the right word came to me. In a flash and a puff of smoke.

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