Thursday, December 15, 2005

Why is it...

that when I wake up in the night I can't get back to sleep but when the alarm clock goes off it's no problem to fall asleep?

I was very hot in bed last night. I can't decide if it was hormones, if I'm going down with a cold or whether it was the result of having my dressing-gown on top of my duvet on top of my hot water bottle on top of me.

I still haven't decided about my jigsaw. At least, I have probably decided but haven't done anything yet. I will work around it for a bit longer.

The moon tonight will be full and appear brighter than it has done for the last eighteen years. It is at its highest point in the sky, closest to the sun. It was peeking out between clouds last night so let's hope it will be clear tonight. I would hate to miss it.

While I was searching for Christmas decorations in the attic (yes, I was very brave), I came across, amongst other things, some of the books my children had when they were little (I am keeping them to read to any grandchildren I may have). Ah, lovely books, Jill Murphy, the Ahlbergs, even Albert Herbert Hawkins, the naughtiest boy in the world. Although I think Harvey is making a bid for that title. ... It's no good coming and nudging my arm for cuddles when you keeping barking. ... no, I'm only scratching you because I want to, not because you want me to. ... and barking again will not help.

Angelo, who dogsat Harvey when we were away, has decided that any girl he marries will have to sign a pre-nuptial agreement to never have a dog.

No, spellchecka, I do not want to change 'naughtiest' to 'mightiest'; just whose side are you on?


Anna said...

The moon is quite bright, but not outstandingly. I can see a face in it: a surprised sort of expression. Perhaps it is wondering why it's so bright and shiny tonight.

Liz Hinds said...

A very boring man on the radio just said that at midnight, the moon will be at its highest in the sky, 'but if you want to see something more spectacular than that you'll be disappointed.'

That's just the way to encourage people to take an interest in science and astronomy.