Thursday, December 01, 2005

The countdown begins

Yay, December at last.

And it is absolutely pouring with rain. But at least it's not so cold.

I have searched everywhere I can think of and I can't find my main Christmas CD. I have found three others but not the one I was looking for.

When the children were little and we used to go and do the Christmas visit to grandparents, we'd listen to a Christmas story and music tape in the car. The first story was about Gobbolino, the witch's cat. I can remember it to this day; it was lovely and quite moving. All the other cats would start hissing, 'Gobbolino is a witch's cat, Gobbolino is a witch's cat.' Ourgh, they were nasty. We listened to it so many times that dad refused to have it played any more. I wonder if we still have it.

We've also got a storybook that we'd read in December with stories about the fairy who ate too many mince pies and one - I can't remember the name - about evil trolls and a big white dog who scares them away. Ah, those were the days.

'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.

And is it true that we have Coca Cola to thank for our image of Father Christmas? Or did I make that up?


MaryB said...

I'm with you - Yea! December. The Christmas music is already shuffling though my headphones at work.

Yes, Coke gets the credit for the "advertising icon" Santa, but the familiar Santa image (at least here in the US) came from illustrator Thomas Nast's 1862 cover of Harper's Weekly. Throughout his lifetime, he continued to hone his Santa and transform him into the popular fat guy with twinkly eyes we're familiar with today. The Coke folks just ran with it.

Too much information, I know! (I'll blog about it later -)

Liz Hinds said...

No, Gobbolino was definitely the cat.