Saturday, December 31, 2005

31st December, 2005

So, New Year resolutions.

When I was a little girl every year I made the same resolutions: I will not be shy; I will not bite my nails.

They look better in the photo than they are.

So this year, instead of negative resolutions, I am going to make positive ones: I will lose weight; I will be disciplined; I will ignore the voice in my head that says, 'this is rubbish - call yourself a writer?'

I will also write. As opposed to playing solitaire or Tetris or doing any of the hundreds of other things I find to waste my time. When someone says, 'Are you in work on Wednesday?' I will say, 'Yes.' Not in the bookshop or in Linden but at home writing. Or researching, submitting, filing rejection letters. I will also get on with writing in the mornings i.e. I will get up in the mornings.

And I think that is enough.

Happy New Year to one and all!

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