Thursday, January 04, 2018

A pause from the busyness

A quiet reflective time in the first Zac's bible study of the year on Tuesday. Several people were grateful for support they had received during the year:
one to Jesus for helping him reach his fifth year free from drink;
one for a fresh start and being able to leave issues in the past;
one for prayer releasing a mind from suicidal thoughts;
and me for a friend who happened to be a consultant surgeon who turned up just before my operation and offered to do it instead of the younger doctor who, I felt, viewed me more as a curiosity than a person. 

As Sean said, 'Sometimes "coincidences" happen because God wants to remind us we are not forgotten.'

Then only two of us in Rubies women's bible study group today but again a reflective and forward-looking time, with the expectation of a year ahead and the challenges it is sure to bring along with hopes realised or at least brought closer to fulfilment.

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