Thursday, October 05, 2017

They shoot horses, don't they?

I love Husband dearly but he is such a smart-arse.

He blames my lack of weight loss on the facts that:
a) I am eating too much;
b) I am eating too much fruit.

My answers are:
a) they tell me I can;
b) they tell me I can.

'But fruit is full of sugar,' he says. 'And not just sugar but fructose and I read an article about how it builds up around your heart and vital organs.' (My report of his words may not be totally accurate as  I stopped listening.)
'And' he goes on, 'last time you did the Slimming World diet you didn't lose weight.'
'I did.'
'No, you didn't.'

Honestly he's lucky I didn't punch him. 

But he's poorly. Again. 

The third nasty cold in less than five weeks and as each one lasts longer than one week he hasn't had much time off for good behaviour in between. But he's actually been to the doctor's this time. Or the minor ailments nurse anyway.
She said, 'Do you have grandchildren?'
'Yes,' he said.
'There you are then.'
Which seems less than helpful. However she did give him cream for his athlete's foot, a spray for his infected mouth and advice about his blocked ears.

If he were a horse they'd shoot him. 

There's still a chance ...


SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Share your fruit with him ... the vitamin C will do him good .

Liz Hinds said...

He's not a big fruit eater, sonata. I have my orange every night watching television and I can't even persuade him to share it.