Thursday, October 19, 2017

Forgetful? Who's forgetful?

This morning I left the house setting off to pick up Dawn to go to bible study. Helen was leading the study and Lily was cooking lunch. I was free of responsibility! I was very relaxed!

I was so relaxed it wasn't until I'd gone two miles in the wrong direction that it hit me. 'Crappity, crappity, crappity, crap! I've forgotten to get Dawn!'

forehead slap forgetfulI was already in town by this time. I panicked. I couldn't decide what to do. So I stopped at the side of the road to think. I tried to phone Dawn but no success. I could go straight back and get Dawn but if I did then everyone would be left waiting outside as I have the keys. So I went and picked up Lily, unlocked Zac's and then drove back to pick up Dawn. 

Just a minor hiccup.

On a more positive note: I bought my birthday present from Husband today. I have given it to him to hide until my birthday next month. On today's experience I will have forgotten what it is by the time I get it. 

1 comment:

Jimmy said...

I think we all have minor hiccups like this, and as for your birthday present at least this way you know that you will like it.