Monday, June 08, 2009

Marked with a X

If you've read this blog for any time you'll probably have worked out that I'm not a very political person but I did vote last Thursday, in the European election. I always try to vote because of the women who fought - and died - for my right. And because if you haven't voted, you shouldn't complain. And I do like a good grumble.

Anyway as I was saying, I'm not politically-minded so any observations made by me are made at a superficial level, commenting on things as they seem to me. Which may or may not be as they actually are.

But from what I've seen the BNP stands for working-class racism while UKIP represents middle class racism. Equally detestable so I'm sorry to read that UKIP beat Labour into second place behind the Tories in the number of seats won.

Depending on what the election is, I'll vote Labour or Lib Democrat; this time I voted Green although I could have opted for the Christian 'proclaiming the Lord's sovereignty' Party or the Jury Team. Or Plaid Cymru obviously or any of the odd and obscurely-named ones that made up the something like fifteen choices. You can't help wondering why some of them stand: the only pre-election flyer I received was from the Conservatives. And I couldn't vote for them if they were the only party standing.


Suburbia said...

Well said Liz

Furtheron said...

You may not be a political person but I'm pretty much in total agreement with you, although being non-religious I couldn't have voted for the Christian party. We had the Roman Party standing in our area and I nearly voted for them in protest, they actually got about 5,000 votes sadly coming last - but at least if I had voted for them I could say "What have the Romans ever done for us?"

nick said...

In Northern Ireland, scandalously, we're not able to vote for either Labour or the Lib Dems. I refuse to vote for the sectarian parties so I only voted for the Greens and the Alliance. The Greens increased their vote by 44% across Britain, outrageous they still have only two seats.

Anonymous said...

ha ha! i voted Conservative...

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

I think you've hit the proverbial nail on the head, Liz.