Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

I decided to strip our bed yesterday right down to the mattress cover. Which was fine until it was time for bed and I discovered that;
a) I'd forgotten to dry the mattress cover;
b) what I thought was a spare one was for a single bed.

'Never mind,' I said. 'We'll sleep in a spare bedroom.'

With no children around, being in a different bed and with a television in the room, it was just like being in a hotel!

Husband, who works away a lot, is used to hotels and didn't find this as exciting as I did. However, he did get something in bed this morning that he doesn't get a hotel ...

warm croissants and milky coffee.

P.S. Meanwhile, in a nod at decadence, I, on my diet, had sliced banana with my Special K.

P.P.S. Why is it that you put the duvet cover, sheet and pillowcases separately into the washing machine yet they they always come out with everything inside the duvet cover? How do they do that?

Happy Father's Day!


The Duck said...

I am going in the washing machine very soon! I need a wash after being out for a motorbike ride. Mind you I wont be sharing the washer with the towels! THEY STINK! Naughty Elsie rolled in something smelly and Daddy had to wash her in the bath! Phew!

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

I think washing machines are especially programmed to do that. Loved the line about the change of room being like a hotel.