Monday, June 01, 2009

Dousing the flame

The chaplain wouldn't let me start a fire in prison yesterday so my talky bit on Pentecost Sunday and the Holy Spirit coming as a flame was less memorable than it might have been. He feared a flame would set off the smoke alarms. Apparently canldes have a differrent sort of smoke.

At least if they'd been showered by the sprinkler they would have remembered the morning.

Interesting note: I was going to write 'doused' but, uncertain of the spelling - it turns out you can spell it with a u or a w - I checked the dictionary and it means to be plunged into water. An alternative meaning is 'to put out', hence dousing the flame.


Katney said...

The wind filling the house would be a strong image as well. Maybe next Pentecost you could use a fan.

Suburbia said...

You have made me laugh a lot with this subject. I can see how memorable it would have been if the whole place had gone up!!!

Furtheron said...

Now that would have been funny... mind you they may have considered it an escape plot and locked you in as well... :-)