Thursday, April 09, 2009

A shameful confession

Dinner was more successful than the 5 minute chocolate cake. Risotto with squash, leeks and mushrooms, baked in the oven a la Delia. Very delicious.

And my shameful confession?

Before today i don't think I've ever cooked with fresh Parmesan. Don't tell Welshcakes! I bought a piece in the local deli where the shopkeeper said it was an especially lovely bit of Parmesan. I tasted a chunk while grating and it was really delicious. I shall have to use it more often.


Anne in Oxfordshire said...

I am shocked...can't believe you have never bought fresh Parmesan..Never mind WL.. Oh hope you now know what you have been missing! :-)

CherryPie said...

Mmm! delicious :-)

Leslie: said...

Fresh parmessan is delicious, especially grated and put on top of asparagus on toast and then grilled. Yummy in my Tummy!

jams o donnell said...

I'm glad you've discovered the joys of fresh parmesan. I bet you'll never go back to the ground socks you get in tubes

sally in norfolk said...

Risotto looks lovely and something i have never made :-(

I had never used parmesan cheese till i met Geoff ... the boys wont use it so

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

That looks lovely! I assure you I didn't read the bit about the parmesan!