Thursday, November 20, 2008

As good as it gets

I found a mini packet of Maltesers in my camera bag when I was out this afternoon. So there we were, George and me, walking along the beautiful Gower cliffs, on a glorious day - with Maltesers. Man, I love my life!

Walking from Southgate towards Pobbles I - the renowned poo expert - remarked to George, 'That's unusual: this looks like cow poo.' While there are often ponies on the headland we rarely see cows.

Two minutes later ... 'Woof! Woof!'
'What's the matter, George? Oh!'

A pile of cows were sitting right across our path. I looked to the other path: there was only one sentry on guard there. We went that way. Now if Daughter had been with us we would have turned back immediately but I'm fine with cows. After all I listen to the Archers; I'm practically a farmer.
The stretch of beach you can see in the distance in the photo above is Oxwich but we were headed for Pobbles, the cove just this side of Three Cliffs.
George had a groovy time playing with a variety of dogs. He tried to outrun a greyhound but soon decided that retreat to mum was probably a better option. Then he had a great run around with a spaniel/collie dog. She - I'm sure she was a she as she looked very feminine - leapt gracefully over a big muddy puddle; George lay down in it. When she tried to persuade him to get up and play again, he whacked her on the shoulder, knocking her down into the mud too. That's my boy.
We walked back on a different path but found cows on this one too, and this time there was no avoiding them. One had horns but Husband says I mustn't judge a bull by its horns. I had to assume that no-one would leave a bull out on common land and, anyway, George was more scared of the calf sitting down. I said, 'Come on, George,' and we closed our eyes and walked quickly through them.

It was the sort of walk that reminds me how incredibly fortunate I am.


Dragonstar said...

What a lovely walk - made more perfect by the Maltesers! The cows look so peaceful, I love cows.

Anonymous said...

Fortunate indeed. I walked from Port Eynon to Southgate around 1964 and that was the last time I was near Pobbles (time before was 1940). Vernon Watkins the poet lived beside the path in one of those chalet sort of bungalows. Meri and I took the family along the cliffs in 1987. I think. I had toothache.
On that '64 walk I leapt down the sand dunes at Poobles in ten foot strides... those were the days.

Anonymous said...

lovely photos:0) how lucky are you ?
cows you do need to be careful of as if spooked they just run ~( think trampled)

Anonymous said...

oh and Malteasers - perfection!

mrsnesbitt said...

Awesome...simply wonderful.

Suburbia said...

I'd love to walk in that beautiful place, especially with Maltesers Man!!

CherryPie said...

That looks like a lot of fun!

Gerald (Ackworth born) said...

lying in puddles is one thing - hope the dog avoided any cowpats

Anonymous said...

I almost took Alfie to Pennard Cliffs today, but I didn't get back from town until about 3. By the time we'd have got to Pennard on the bus, it would have been almost dark. I think I would have leapt off the cliff in fright if I'd met those cows.

Anonymous said...

Really enjoyed reading these descriptions of your walks - would have loved to have seen George trying to keep up with the Greyhound! What stunning scenery and all that bracing sea air.
Wendy (Wales)

Leslie: said...

So glad you took your camera with you - I can just hardly wait to get over there and see the sights/sites for myself! :D

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

What more could you want Liz!!! Oh maltesers, great when you just find that little bag hidden :-)

Great photos too!

Nancy said...

What a nice place for a walk. I love cows, the beach was beautiful, and I'm sure I would love Maltesers if I knew what they are. Some kind of chocolate I imagine. I hope George appreciates those special walks.