Thursday, June 26, 2008

Resolving the world's energy crisis

It came to me in a flush this morning. I am surprised no-one has thought of it before. I wonder if you can patent an idea. Anyway ...

If man could find a way to harness the energy produced by menopausal women's hot flushes it would solve the world's energy crisis.

Just think.
It's renewable: as one woman moves out of the menopause so another moves in.
It's universal: no village is too remote to have its share of menopausal women.
It's safe: as long as no-one says anything stupid like, 'What's for dinner, dear?' at the wrong moment. Or, heaven forbid, doesn't send an anniversary card.
It's free: well, only a small charge would be made for the service.
It returns to older women their rightful value: she may look cute on your arm, but I can light your lamp.



Furtheron said...

genius indeed.

However may not be universal - sub-saharan Africa? Life expectancy in many countries now is about 37 so they might struggle

I detect a theme in recent posts about an anniversary card. I'm just the average man here so might be missing the point but has Mr Liz by any chance forgotten something this week?

Elsie said...

I had a good chuckle reading this. First I thought flush related to the toilet. Then I realized that you were talking about what we call hot flashes! I swear that lately I could singlehandedly light my entire town. You are indeed a genius!

Susan said...

You are a GENIUS! I think you are on to something BIG!

Katney said...

You've been writing up a storm while I've been off helping son and his little family to move. And George has been awfully busy as well. I won't comment on all the posts--just know I've come round and enjoyed.

Dragonstar said...

Genius is right. You should look into the patenting of intellectual property!

Oh dear - no anniversary card yet. He'll accidentally find it unposted in his bag/pocket when he gets back.

Anonymous said...

My girl always lights my lamp.

Liz Hinds said...

He says he posted it first class on Monday, furtheron, and they've got the sun in Africa ...

elsie, susan and dragonstar, thank you, i think so.

Glad you enjoyed, katney.

You old romantic, aileni!! What a lovely comment. I hope dragonstar reads it!

Suburbia said...

Liz how do they harness the flush???
No card yet? Me neither!

CherryPie said...

Sounds a bit like capturing the screams in Monsters Inc. I think you may be on to something!

Anonymous said...


jmb said...

She may look cute on your arm, but I can light your lamp.

I love it Liz. Coming via Antarctica that card, is it?

Rose said...

I'm going to nominate you for the Nobel Prize! I might even be able to afford to drive my car again if oil prices come down as a result.

By the way, I'm still waiting for a card or present for my birthday--which was three weeks ago!

Leslie: said...

Goodness, I'm off creating a lovely guest room for my Welsh friends who are arriving on Sunday and my other Welsh friend is busy writing up a storm! Well, I'll just comment here that I'm caught up and ready for bed. *yawn*

Colin Campbell said...

How about starting small and setting up George with a treadmill. You could at least power your street.

MaryB said...

Hilarious, Liz! I have been trying to figure out energy-efficient ways to run my air conditioner this summer. Makes sense for me to just hook up somehow and run it myself!

MissKris said...

Too right on this one! I've finally got estrogen patches that are eliminating the horrible night sweats I've been having since my hysterectomy. THOSE could've solved the world's water problems, hahahahaha! ;-P

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Yes, true genius!