Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Judy is dead

This is an extract from a post about Zac's of a few weeks' ago:

Judy, a rough sleeper, was completely plastered. (See glossary in side bar.) Usually she sleeps but last night she was particularly vocal. She was interrupting every two minutes although, strangely enough, her questions, on the whole, were sensible (-ish).

When Glenn came back he was carrying a bowl of water and some soap. He crossed the room, knelt at Judy's feet and asked if he could wash them for her. He took off her shoes and socks and gently bathed her feet. Judy was over-awed - she began singing 'Jesus loves me this I know.'

She refused to put her dirty socks back on afterwards (and they weren't any spare ones in the store). She'd been washed; her feet were clean; she wasn't going to besmirch them with soiled garments.

Last week Judy died on the streets of Swansea.


sally in norfolk said...

How very sad... :-(

jmb said...

I hope she is at peace now. As sad end however.

Leslie: said...

I'm so sorry, but she felt the love of Christ with you all when her feet were washed. I pray she is at peace now with our Lord.

Anonymous said...

This is very moving and it is the washer who is as blessed as the washed but that is not why it was done, I know.

CherryPie said...

How sad!