Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I have a tail

Not a tale, no. A tail. Currently I am walking around with a hot wheat bag stuck down - and dangling out from - the back of my trousers. I have back-ache!

I never have back-ache. I rarely have anything. I am the world's fittest hypochondriac. Which makes me a hideous bore when I do have something wrong.

At first I thought I must have overdone it in circuit training but it feels different today. I undoubtedly have a rare back disorder.

It feels as I imagine the dreaded 'cold in the kidneys', I was so warned about as a child by my granny, would. 'Cover your back; you'll get a cold in your kidneys.' And I find myself saying it to my own children, or when I see youngsters out on the town in mid-winter with bare midriffs. Even though I don't know anyone who's ever had a cold in their kidneys.

The pain is too low down to be my kidneys. Oh oh, excuse me a moment.

Back now. I've been spying on George. He escaped again this morning in spite of the bucket so i thought he must have found another way out, but it turns out he hasn't. I crept outside and watched him. He's manoeuvring his way around the bucket. Which for a dog who hasn't yet mastered four-wheel drive or braking is quite an achievement.

I've put an old body-board there now as well as a temporary measure (temporary as in, we'll finish decorating the hall soon, temporary). He's eating a lego-man now.

Oh, yes, I remember. Frog spawn.

I've been researching Thai drinks and one famous one is made with Thai Sweet Basil seeds. When they're put in the liquid they swell and the drink looks and feels like frog spawn.

Oh, bless him. he's sitting on the lawn looking up at an aeroplane he can hear overhead. He's much more aware of things like that than Harvey was. Harvey never showed any interest in the television but the other night an advert came on (he's testing my barricade - better go check - bother, he's taken my shoe! Have to hop - it's okay, it's impenetrable) and it had a small black dot wending its way through other arrangements of dots. George carefully followed the dot, getting up close to it. It was so sweet to watch.

And the other day he was standing up against my chair when a tiny squeaky little fart escaped from his bottom. You have never ever seen a dog look so surprised. He turned round quickly then got down and started circling on his own axis, trying to work out where the noise had come from, I imagine. He hasn't learned yet to deny all knowledge and blame dad.



mdmhvonpa said...

Mmmmm, frog spawn. I've had those drinks before, not the 'usual' thing, eh?

Leslie: said...

Omigawd Liz! I'm roaring with laughter here! This is just TOO funny for words. I know what you mean about the circling around on his axis - hilarious!
As someone who suffers from back problems, I hope your back pain is temporary and you'll soon be back to normal without your tail. ;D

Joy Des Jardins said...

I feel for you Liz...since I've been having some backache too. Like you I've never had much trouble with my back, but results from a recent test says I have a little arthritis in my lower back...oh Yippy Skippy. I use a heating pad often...but usually sitting in my bed watching TV. I hope your aches are short-lived sweetie....

Mauigirl said...

LOL! Our dog still does that if she farts. It's always a look of surprise, as if to say "What was THAT?"

Ours figured out how to dig under the fence last summer. She kept getting into the neighbor's yard, which thankfully is also fenced. But I was worried because my neighbor has a little white dog and one day Diva got into the yard when the dog was out. They'd made friends through the fence but I didn't know what they would do in the same yard together. Luckily all they did was play!

I had to buy a bunch of metal stakes from a garden supply store (the kind you can put a little label in the top of to say what the plants are, so they have two metal prongs reaching down) and insert them all around the bottom of the chain link fence to embed them deep in the ground. She can't get under the fence anymore.

So sorry you are having a backache - my sympathies! I had my back go out once and it hurt even to lean over the sink to brush my teeth!

James Higham said...

Careful George doesn't mistake you with that tail.

Edmund (the explorer) Nesbitt said...

Daddy farts and says it was the dog! But we all know it is him! LOL!

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Hope you feel better, Liz. Poor George - I would have loved to have seen his face!