Thursday, October 26, 2006

As the deer pants for water

We'd had a letter telling us that our water supply was being turned off at 7 pm on Tuesday evening until 9 am on Wednesday morning. I made careful note of this and at 6.30 on Tuesday evening I started filling containers.

Younger Son wandered through the kitchen. 'Are you thinking of irrigating the desert?' he asked.
'I told you the water's being turned off and we might need it.'
'Between now and tomorrow morning?' (It's only him and me in the house during the week.)
'We might be ... thirsty ... or ... something.'

At two minutes to seven I yelled up to him, 'Younger Son, go to the toilet now!'
He didn't.

Our water supply wasn't disrupted. A large area was affected but we escaped.

Thursday lunchtime and I am still using up the saved water.


Clare said...

well at least you have your priotities straight. When the Y2K bug was supposed to happen all my mother stocked up on was toilet paper...

Anonymous said...

Buy some gold fish. (grin)

Liz Hinds said...

I'd like to meet your mum, Clare. I think we'd get on well!

Steve, knowing how good I am with plants makes me wary for fish. :)