Thursday, June 08, 2006

Church committee meetings

Linden is famed for its concerts. We are very good at them as we have loads of highly talented creative people amongst us. What we are not good at is forward planning.

After the Christmas concert the techies threatened a walkout. They'd been asked to do way too much complicated stuff at the last minute (although they did it all!)

To avoid that happening again there is now a committee who plan the big events in advance. Before the Easter morning meeting we had a conception meeting, a pre-production meeting, a production meeting, a technical run-through and a post-production meeting. Rich, our wonderful techie, said, 'It was like a dream.' Presumably as opposed to the nightmare of Christmas.

Now Linden's committee meetings are unlike most church committee meetings, I imagine. For a start, we meet in the pub. As we did last night for our conception meeting for the Harvest Spectacular. (Cath and Andre were invited to join us but Cath said they were going home for their conception meeting.)

Then Chris and Aly (should I change names? Too late) drank best part of a bottle of wine between them and the meeting progressed from there.

After some distractions we got a rough plan for Harvest together - mostly involving eating and drinking - and then we digressed onto the planned Auction.

(I should explain that this year we have set ourselves the target of raising at least £10,000 to fund a new building for Mutende Children's Village in Zambia; we don't normally collect money with such enthusiasm.)

Alun suggested one lot for auction should be a four star dinner with Chris. I snorted, 'Chris? Who's going to want to go out with Chris? You want someone like ... Tim Oakes.'
'Yeeees!' Aly said. 'An ice cream in Verdi's with Tim.'

Chris then suggested a sauna with Aly and somehow the two lots combined so that we ended up with a sauna with Tim covered in ice cream. Aly and I both said we'd bid.

No, not your average church committee meeting. Not if the Archers are anything to go by.

I wonder if I should have written this.


Tim said...

I'm so pleased that I make an impact at meetings I'm not even present however I'm torn bewteen laughing and crying. The thought of two ladies (both my mothers age) imagining me covered in ice cream in a sauna is too much. I'm moving churches.

You're only allowed to put me up for auction if there is some kind of vetting process for those who are allowed to bid - young, hot and also covered in ice cream!

I sincerely hope the idea was merely a joke and if Chris calls me with 'a bright idea' then I shall tell him what I think using a selection of four letter words!

Liz Hinds said...

I'd like to point out that it was Chris who suggested the ice cream in the sauna bit. He might even put in a bid.

Anna said...

Good grief! Someone needs to keep a reign on you church comitteeists! And you don't even have the excuse of half a bottle of wine, missy!

Liz Hinds said...

It's a privilige of getting old! You can say what you think instead of saying what you think you should think.

And no-one takes you seriously!

Shirley said...

I'm absolutely disgusted!
Don't you know how to behave at all let alone in a CHURCH MEETING! Ladies of course shouldn't be present at ALL! Only men can lead us and organise.And must wear suits and ties.

*Tongue firmly in cheek*

Yay for 'normalcy' in churches!!!!!