Thursday, May 04, 2006

Is it me?

Or is the symbol of a person in a wheelchair next to the Word Verification box in Comments new?

I've never noticed it before. Not that that means a lot. I've greeted people in church with the words, 'Hello, welcome to Linden. Is this your first time?'
'No, we've been coming for six months.'

So Little Wheelchair has probably always been there. But what does it mean?

If you're in a wheelchair, click here and we'll ... issue you with a special certificate to allow you to not do verification. You'll just have to enter your fourteen digit code number instead.
If you're blind, and can't see the letters to verify, click here and ditto.

I clicked on it just now and it froze my computer. Nothing else.

Spellchecka just queried the word 'verification.'

No, it didn't; it would have been good if it had though.


chux said...

i noticed that symbol recently too - bizarre

Shirley said...

I only noticed when you said I'm normally too busy at the length and waviness of the word!!!

Today it's yizwnxqq which is the noise my head will make when I finally blow a gasket!