Monday, February 27, 2006

Harvey and Holly share beds


Tim said...

It's good to see harvey getting some action!

Liz have I got linden all to my self sunday afternoon? My morris dancing friends are making big sacrafices to come a practise with me.

Anna said...

In fact, Holly settled herself on Harvey's bed (the big one) and Harvey sort of adjusted himself to fit on spare bits of cushion around her.

Loose use of 'share' indeed...

jodes da princess said...

is that allowed? are they married?

Liz Hinds said...

Apart from the massed bands of the 4th Welsh Light Brigade, you're all on your own, Tim.

Harvey and Holly are almost brother ans sister. At least that's the way Harvey looks at it. A little sister to look after and show off to.

Anna said...

They would be... let me see... uncle and niece? Hm, that seems a bit odd. Brother and sister more likely. Ahh. bless them both, especially Harvey. He is so tolerant of all these little pests who visit him. First a kitty, now a boingy pup.

We met a small dog on our walk yesterday and Holly started her usual, come-and-play routine, bouncing and circling, then decided it would be fun to start leaping OVER the dog like a hurdle!! She started running back and forth, whoop! over the dog and whoop! back over him. Poor thing didn't know what was happening: just stood still, and looked on in amazement (and, probably, terror).