Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Whoops again

Whoops wasn't written on Wednesday 2nd, but on Tuesday 1st. Was that my fault? Surely not.

Credit card has let me down; I cannot break into the garage using it. It's not as easy as it looks on television. I do now however have a bent credit card.

I can't use a cane to fish the keys out as they are inside the car (locked) inside the garage (locked). And neither brute force nor a trowel work. Not a trowel; I mean one of those flat diamond-shaped things that plasterers use for flattening plaster and putting cement on bricks. A brickie's equivalent of a spatula.

Uncle John has phoned all the way from Australia on his mobile. How amazing is that? His voice and my voice being sent up into space and finding their way right across the world to the proper place. I've been known to get lost in Debenhams so that is really totally fantastical.

Sainsburys has very kindly sent me a birthday present. It's early but it's the thought that counts. A voucher for a free box of Green & Black's organic choccies. Yum. I do like Sainsburys.

Harvey is dreaming about .. what? Chasing bunnies? Running away from bunnies?

I've just added West Wing Season 6 to my Wish List. We've just watched the bit in Season 5 where Josh is knocked back by Leo but then Jed sides with him and they whop it to the Republicans. Yay! That, of course, is a rough approximation as I'm never absolutely sure what happens in West Wing.

Oh, oh, bunnies must have caught up with him as Harvey is hiding his eyes now. Now he's eating a rose petal - to comfort himself I guess. I hate it when I wake from a nasty dream too.

I'd also like a Christmas jigsaw.

Like Cinderella, I'm going to a ball. When I was 17 I fell in love with a Scarlett O'Hara ball gown. My mum said she'd buy it for me if I had anywhere to wear it. Of course I didn't.

Time for boiled egg and marmite on toast, I think.


Liz Hinds said...

I have now amended the date on Whoops so the first part of this post won't make sense. Unlike the rest of it!

Liz Hinds said...

I just tuned in for the Archers only to realise that I listened to it last night. Bother, I was basing my day around the Archers.